Quick update on my life since I suspect most of you will enjoy finding out more about this random country I live in. Spent easter break going diving, I have come to the conclusion that Papua New Guinea is an absolutely beautiful country not just above sea level but also below! Had a great weekend getting my open water diving cert with 2 dives to different wrecks from WW2, and 2 beautiful coral reefs, along with Suzie's bommie - a 10-15m pillar of coral reef, where we swum nearby only to realize we were then surrounded by 100s of different types of fish (pic frm internet attached). Perhaps I'll buy an underwater camera one of these days, but for now here are some over-water pictures of the sites. I'm no expert on diving, but I do concur with the expert viewpoint that PNG is one of the best places in the world to dive; bidiversity is amazing, temperatures are great and costs are relatively cheap.