Hello friends,
So far it has been a brilliant 2+ months in PNG - Aside from weekday interactions with friendly team members and clients, weekends have offered the opportunity to go hiking, diving and venture to offshore islands. Earlier this month I made it to Loloata island, an island resort with clear waters to scuba and snorkel. Being only a 15 min ferry ride away from Port Moresby, this serene environment provided a great weekend getaway. Attached some pictures below of my walk around the island so you can get a glimpse for yourself, including some island wildlife - birds and wallabies roam around pretty freely.
As always, you are more than welcome to come visit while I reside here (likely til Mar 2011). Since we are a couple of degrees south of the equator, PNG is pretty much summer all year round (think Singapore but slightly less humid) and provides a welcome respite from the winter no matter which hemisphere one comes from. My next few updates will likely provide a little more variety as I finally start exploring the massive country outside of Port Moresby. Trips to the highlands and the beaches, volcanoes and indigenous tribes shall follow.