Dear friends,
Was great to see some of you over the Formula 1 weekend in Singapore - as always, great to be home, go to exciting events (Above & Beyond, Chemical Brothers!) and catch up with friends old and new. As I was reflecting on what I could do next, realized that my work here is far from over, still so much to learn, lots of the country to see, and enjoying the variety of what I'm doing (unsurprisingly, am taking on more responsibility). I have decided to stay here in Papua New Guinea for at least another 6 months (until mid Mar 2011), if not longer. So for those who want to come visit, the door stays open awhile longer!
In addition to the featured spot, I also had a chance to visit the monthly craft market at Ela beach - attached is a photo of a troupe from Bougainville, who have creative ways of making music (using the soles of slippers to hit poles of bamboo of different lengths) while other members dance. Pretty cool, prime example of where there's a will, there's a way!
This month's featured PNG spot is Motupore island, located merely 15 min away from Port Moresby (by speedboat). While it is extremely close to Loloata Island Resort, the setup is completely different. As a student research centre, the accomodation and settings are modest (2 bunk beds per room, in the white houses in pic 2), allowing us to focus most of each day on work (we were there conducting a 4 day training session).
On that note, I have probably not said this enough, but I am really glad you are in my life. Please know that you have in some way shaped the person I am today, and for that I am truly grateful.